12Dolphins.org features nineteen blogs about spirituality, human consciousness, Out of Body Experiences, Near Death Experiences, and dolphins by six 12 Dolphins members, one contributing writer, and one contributing vloger:
1. Ali Wylie [article 1 ][ article 2 ] [ video about OBE technique ] 2. Lygya Maya [article 1 ][ article 2 ][ article 3 ] 3. Linda Montana 4. Gabriella Blum [article 1 ][ article 2 ] 5. Sierra Goodman [article 1 ][ article 2] 6. Sananjaleen - contributing writer 7. Todd Acamesis 8. Lauren 9. Kimberly Ward 10. blog about Nikola Tesla by IOCDF.org 11. Foal 12. Crystal 13. Andrea [article 1 ][ article 2][ article 3] 14. Sue [article 1]
Add your comments on out of body, astral healing, or near death experiences.
Double Mirrors Theory by Dylan Tauber
Ones and Zeros Theory by Dylan Tauber
"Son of Waves" screenplay by Dylan Tauber
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