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Who is the Thinker ?`me` or my brain? an OBE point of view "I AM, therefore I think"

By Foal

"I was flying near the ceiling, looking down at my body under my bed-covers asleep in bed. It looked pretty lifeless, one arm protruding out of the covers and my face half hidden in the pillow. Yet it was me all right, but that me didn't look like it was thinking much. In fact, the `me ` thinking was the me hovering in air near the ceiling..." (2010)

This is a passage from my OBE Journal and a defining moment in my life. Until that moment I had always assumed I was able to think because I had a brain. I mean, it is thanks to my brain that I can do any thinking, right?... But what now ? Where was my brain? Not with me, as I could see my head - hopefully with a brain inside - right beneath me. And as far as I could see, there was no piece missing that I might have taken along with me up to the ceiling... up to the ceiling where I was thinking so logically, so rationally, with such focus and clarity. And my brain nowhere near me. Hey! I am saying I can see my brain and it`s nowhere near me !! And yet, I am thinking !

Well, call it a defining moment ! It was much more than that. It was confusing and eye-opening all at once. It baffled and mystified me. It made me re-think and re-value all I had thought I knew for true until that moment. And this really got me thinking ;-) !

So, if I can think without my brain, WHO IS THE THINKER ?? THE THINKER WHO DOESN`T NEED A BRAIN TO THINK.... !!!

For the first time in my life I realized, like in a real deep knowing, that there was more to me than a physical body, that there was a Bigger Me who was doing all the thinking and who didn't even need a brain to do it. Well, it didn't seem to need it when I was out-of-body at any rate (as in an OBE or simply dreaming/sleeping, since this is also another form- albeit unconscious- of out of body).

So how does all this work ? When in our bodies, we cannot think without a brain. I daresay we can all agree on that. But when out of body, what/who is then doing the thinking ? And what is the relationship between the two ?

I am certainly in no position to make big statements here, and besides, this is only my little personal blog full of all my absurd little stories, but I don't believe anymore it's my brain, on its own, that thinks. It makes more sense to me to believe the brain is a kind of receiver, a tool that Awareness (Consciousness) uses to communicate with the physical body. A Consciousness (or a part of Consciousness maybe, as we are supposed to be part of a whole) that uses the brain to download the thinking/reasoning process into the physical body, or that at least allows it.

In other words, just as radio and TV sets get waves of information from transmission stations around the Earth, the brain has the same ability to show information, received from a greater Awareness, as sounds and images to the rest of the body. Of course, this is purely speculative. And I am not saying I am right, just sharing an experience which brought about an unexpected and to me revolutionary insight. However, the possibility that this could be true must at least be considered. So the old quote "I think, therefore I am" feels a bit outdated to me. I`d rather say "I AM (Awareness), therefore I think" ;-) .

But of course, that could be only me !

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, one of the greatest mystic yogis of our times and the one I admire the most, makes his followers meditate on this mantra: `I am not my body. I am not even my mind`. Well, he is so right ! such inconceivable truth !! It just so happened that for me this revelation came with the compliments of an OB experience !

By Foal

Foal's Blog

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